Last updated: 2021-05-05
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Knit directory: 2020_HairPheno_manuscript/analysis/
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html | 7ddd3f7 | tinalasisi | 2020-11-24 | Initial commit |
Here, we will evaluate the accuracy of fibermorph in estimating the length and curvature of hair using simulated data. See simulation script here.
The simulated data can be found here.
We simulated arcs of various curvatures at a length of 1.57mm. There were 25 arcs per image.
To calculate the accuracy of our measurements, we compared the known parameters with the parameters estimated from our fibermorph package.
Error in estimated curvature and length
Version | Author | Date |
7ddd3f7 | tinalasisi | 2020-11-24 |
In Fig. 1a we see that there is a near perfect correlation between the simulated and estimated curvatures. Fig. 1b shows the distribution of estimated hair lengths around the simulated length (red line).
We plot simulated curvature against estimated length to show the distribution of estimated length as a function of curvature.
Simulated curvature vs estimated length
Figure 2 shows a broader range of error in the estimation of length in straighter hairs. This is likely a result of the majority of pixels being oriented in a manner that causes a divergence between the pixel length (number of pixels) and the real length that is being measured. We apply a correction for this known issue in image analysis, however, it is expected that there will still be some error. Note that each point in this figure represents an individual hair fragment within an image. This supports the notion that it is not the low curvature per se, but rather the combination of low curvature and specific orientations that increases the error in length estimation.
In addition to the correlations between simulated and estimated parameters, we calculate root mean square error (RMSE) and percent error as alternatives to investigate the measurement error of our package.
NB: we present the data summarized for each image (i.e. all 25 fragments) as we cannot provide a hair fragment to hair fragment comparison.
Below, we calculate the mean error values for both RMSE and percent error.
var | mean.rmse | perent.error |
curvature | 0.0002210 | 0.4720430 |
length | 0.0004312 | 0.6863358 |
radius | 0.0004624 | 0.4626120 |
We see less than 1% error across the variables and RMSE of less than 0.0005.
Below, we plot the data.
First, we plot the root mean square error for curvature and length.
Root mean square error for curvature and length
Version | Author | Date |
7ddd3f7 | tinalasisi | 2020-11-24 |
We then examine the relationship between curvature and RMSE of length
Correlation between curvature and RMSE for length
Version | Author | Date |
7ddd3f7 | tinalasisi | 2020-11-24 |
We observe an increase in RMSE with curvature.
Below we plot the percent error for curvature and length.
Percent error for curvature and length
Version | Author | Date |
7ddd3f7 | tinalasisi | 2020-11-24 |
Correlation between curvature and percent error for estimated length
Version | Author | Date |
7ddd3f7 | tinalasisi | 2020-11-24 |
Here we see that error appears to increase slightly with curvature if considering the data in terms of percent error.
The fibermorph section function estimates area, minimum diameter, maximum diameter and eccentricity for a given cross-sectional image. We tested the measurement error using randomly generated circles and non-circular ellipses.
FCorrelation between simulated and estimated cross-sectional parameters
Version | Author | Date |
7ddd3f7 | tinalasisi | 2020-11-24 |
We see strong correlations between the estimated and simulated values for each cross-sectional parameter.
We calculate the percent error and RMSE for the cross-sectional parameters.
First, we calculate mean error values for all parameters.
var | mean_rmse | perent_error |
area | 0.5136320 | 0.0137703 |
eccentricity | 0.0007514 | Inf |
max | 0.0097800 | 0.0120605 |
min | 0.0080884 | 0.0136924 |
Percent error is considerably under 0.02% for each of the parameters with RMSE under 0.01 for all but area.
As one of the simulated ellipses was a circle with an eccentricity of 0, any deviation from this produces an infinite percent error. So below we present the values removing this observation.
var | mean_rmse | perent_error |
area | 0.5136320 | 0.0137703 |
eccentricity | 0.0006492 | 1.0066337 |
max | 0.0097800 | 0.0120605 |
min | 0.0080884 | 0.0136924 |
Below, we plot RMSE as a function of each parameter.
Correlation between simulated and RMSE for cross-sectional parameters
Version | Author | Date |
7ddd3f7 | tinalasisi | 2020-11-24 |
There does not appear to be any overarching pattern in RMSE across the variables.
Below we plot the correlation between simulated values and percent error for each parameter.
Correlation between simulated and percent error cross-sectional parameters
Version | Author | Date |
7ddd3f7 | tinalasisi | 2020-11-24 |
We observe a general decrease in percent error for each parameter.
R version 4.0.4 (2021-02-15)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin17.0 (64-bit)
Running under: macOS Mojave 10.14.6
Matrix products: default
BLAS: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.0/Resources/lib/libRblas.dylib
LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.0/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib
[1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8
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[69] xfun_0.22